Thursday, April 30, 1992

3:00 pm

I don't know if my body can handle this shit. Alton, Sune and I went to see "El Cabo del Miedo" last night. Terribly suspenseful -- even in Spanish. Then we went to Donde where my Swedish neighbor was playing and also a salsa band played. They had free champagne. The bartenders were spraying it all over everyone all night long. Una locura. Just madness. But, of course, fun. Didn't get home until after 5:00 am. Didn't feel so good when I got up, but I'm better now. I still am not meeting new people. Or even getting to know the old people better. Saw Cameron again, but didn't talk to him. I should. He doesn't really have any friends. Potential! The weather's damn perfect again. This evening, Mitchell and I are doing a site-survey at the church. We have 3 First Communions tomorrow, 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. Yea! I need to earn money. And I need a change of pace. I saw Yop again yesterday. He may not go to Torremolinos to work this summer. So maybe he and I could live together from July on. He's really doing a lot with his Spanish friends. He meets people so easily. Gitta asked me yesterday if Bob was "just a friend" and I said no. Later on, she was teasing me about wanting to get my hair cut "for him." It's too bad she's leaving next week! Barbara's been meeting new men every night. I'm so jealous! I think I need to stay in tonight, although I keep thinking I should go to the gay bar. Aw, shit. Marcus -- the Swedish cyclist -- and I talked a lot about being lonely and how it's good for you. I'm not sure I remember why it's good for you! I was thinking today of going back to Detroit. Now I have to wait, wait, wait. For Bob. For Detroit.

Wednesday, April 29, 1992

4:00 pm

Yea! It's cloudy today! I've really gotten sick of the sun. Perhaps literally. That may be why I was sick on Monday. Too much sun. Yesterday, Alton, Barbara and I rented a paddleboat and went out on the Mediterranean. It was a wonderful change of pace. Very relaxing. I can't wait to go out there with Bob. How romantic! Last night, we had a little party for Elke's last night. Then we went to Bolivia and Donde. I actually had a good time. Talked a lot with Antonella, Jeanette (#2), Alton, Sune and Annelies. She invited me to go to a flamenco bar with her, but I didn't go. Eventually, I will have to do things with Spanish people! But last night I was having a good time there. For a change. I think Alton and I can be good friends. If he didn't talk about girls all the time. Their cute roommate, Cameron, is leaving soon. I think I missed the boat not getting to know him better. Today, I've been cleaning and enjoying the sounds of Spain. The fish seller in the morning. The little Swedish kids were imitating him yelling at the tops of their lungs. Their father playing music on his guitar. I had plans to write lots of letters today, but I haven't. Lazy, lazy. I think I'll ask around if anyone wants to go to a movie tonight.

Tuesday, April 28, 1992

1:30 am

Just talked to Bob. Sigh. Still another 4 weeks before he's here. We talked a little about him moving here. I now think he's at least half-seriously considering it. That's good. Being here will be the clincher! Anticipation. Life creeps toward perfection. I talked more with Mitchell today. We agreed on $10/hour for videotaping and I suggested $20/hour for editing. That would be okay, although I think it would be only 30 hours/week at most. $450/week would be okay. I had a nice talk tonight with Marcus -- the Swedish cyclist who's staying here. We talked a lot about education. Waldorf-Steiner stuff. Model High School stuff. He talked about architecture. I talked about video. Alton joined us for a while and we talked about Expo and travel. We're going to try to rent a boat tomorrow. That would be cool. I've got to be careful about money until I get paid. Especially if I have to pay $650 for rent through June 15th!

Monday, April 27, 1992

5:00 pm

¡Basta! I'm sick of my whining. You, too? Things have worked out fine so far. They'll be okay in the future, too. I'm sure I'll be able to find someone to rent this place with me. If not, I'll stay anyway and can rent out the extra room like a bed and breakfast. Dirk left yesterday, but Elke's still here until Wednesday. We also have a Swedish bicyclist, Marcus, here for two days. It really could be a good idea renting this place out. I could be a slum lord! Maybe Bob and I could open a bed and breakfast in Málaga. It needs one. Potential! I still haven't gotten ahold of Bob. Last night and all day today, I've felt sick. I slept all day. María José came by for a while. She's leaving Sunday for England. Last night, Barbara, Hazlo (a very interesting Indian-British guy who's traveling) and Reijo (from Finland) and I talked about a lot of philosophical stuff. I really enjoy doing that. Hazlo told me where he thinks I can buy some hash. That could be fun.

Sunday, April 26, 1992

2:00 pm

Just when life is chugging along toward perfection -- a derailment. Yop is moving somewhere else. So now I need to find another roommate or make a big move to a permanent apartment. I don't want to give up the beachfront terrace yet, though. And I'd like to see how the job goes before I decide where to live for good. It would've been nice with Yop here, but it probably would've been frustrating, too. He's not gay, Mike. Last night I was feeling lonely. I need to find more friends. Permanent friends. I went with Annelies to some Spanish bars and even met a couple of her friends. But they're a bit too tranquilo for me. I need some gay friends. Gitta's leaving at the end of the week. Barbara's got a boyfriend. Yes, I have friends, but not real close friends. I saw Mitchell yesterday. This job sounds so promising. He wants me to work next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I suggested a minimum of $10/hour. I think he was expecting to pay more. Tomorrow we'll try to finalize money matters, but I think I'll be making very good money! Maybe $20/hour for editing. Maybe it'll be good enough to convince Bob to move here. Dammit. I hope he's really thinking about it seriously. He's probably not. Once he gets here, how could he refuse this lifestyle? I really want to be serious about a life together. I'm trying to bounce back from this depression over Yop last night. Another 4 weeks before Bob's here! Too long. I'll call him again today.

Saturday, April 25, 1992

1:15 pm

Sevilla -- una maravilla. Jane and I had a riot in Sevilla at the Expo. It was so fantastic! So many things to do, places to see, cultures to learn about. What a shame we had only one day. Bob and I will have to go back for at least 2 days. So many fantastic multi-media presentations, too. Now I'm thinking I should have tried to get a job there. It would have been an incredible six months! I'll have to be content to visit several times. We stayed out fairly late Wednesday night at a cafe near the cathedral -- my favorite spot in Sevilla. Then Thursday was Expo. We spent 12 hours at the pavilions, but only saw a few -- Australia, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Spain, Valencia and Telecommunications. At night, we met Bek and partied at the Kangaroo Pub -- lot of fun. Jane slam-dancing with shopping bags in hand. On Friday we came to Málaga and spent the day along the beach front, meeting many of my friends I do have here. Never did find Yop, though. Last night, Jane was sick, so I didn't get to show her my town. Oh well. We had a pretty good time together, nonetheless. I hope she hooked up with her tour in Granada all right. I love visitors, but I hate to see them leave. That's hard. I need to get Bob to seriously think about moving here. I was supposed to se Mitchell yesterday, but couldn't get ahold of him. Frustrating delays again. I'll call him today. And María José. I need to get together with her, too. I really need Yop to move in here. I get so lonely by myself, even if it's not for long. I got the greatest letter from Dianne Sonnefeld. She told me I am a frolicking otter She is so fun. I love my friends.

Tuesday, April 21, 1992

10:45 pm

¡¡Tengo un trabajo!! ¡Estoy tan excitado! No puedo creerlo. I talked to the second socio of this new video production company. He speaks English -- yea! He's German. They already have all this work lined up. Weddings, First Communions. Starting May 1st! We didn't talk sueldo yet because he wants all three partners to be there. But he said he hasn't found anyone else with video experience. Ch-Ching! They need me! I don't know how many hours I'll be working, either, but he sounded like they have a lot of work already waiting. It will be perfect. I even told him that I have a friend coming in May and I can try to get him to work here, too. Bob! In Spain! Conmigo! So this means I'm not going to Detroit next week. Maybe at the end of June. Again, things change so quickly! Talk about flexibility! I talked to Bob for 20 minutes last night. I'm so looking forward to seeing him. He didn't get the Oakland job. Now he's free to move here. I hope he's serious about moving here. Life would be complete! Shit! My life is a dream -- come true! I kept thinking that I need to be cautious. Don't be too excited yet. But now, sí! How much money I can make is the remaining question. But, of course, there are possibilities at Alhambra todavía. Yo puedo trabajar dos trabajos. ¡Hay tantas posibilidades! Now Yop can move in here, too. Life is a peach.

Monday, April 20, 1992

2:40 pm

Yop, Yop, Yop. Like a dog. Anyway, he stopped over last night after he went to the corrida. That was nice of him. The two Dutch girls had stopped by, too. We had a nice talk. But then they wanted to go to Bolivia and I didn't. Yop lagged behind when the girls left and we talked for another 30 minutes. He finally left when Elke and Dirk went also. Darn. Almost had him here all alone. I really think that he's curious and might want something to happen between us. I sure do. We talked more about possibly living together. ¡Aproveche! I'm still feeling very useless today. Without a purpose in life. I'll call Bob tonight. I'm really thinking that maybe he could move here if things work out with this job. I could support both of us for a little while! Why not? It would be perfect! I was supposed to call María José yesterday, but didn't. I'm losing any edge that I may have had. I'm lately content to lie on the beach and do nothing!

Sunday, April 19, 1992

4:00 am

Oh, I wish Bob were here! No, I'm not just saying that because I'm borracho or because nothing happened between me and Yop. I really wish he were here. It's going to be awfully hard when he is here, realizing that he won't be staying. We need to be together. There's no doubt in my mind. I wish Yop and I had ended up together tonight. It would've been nice. There's still potential for the future. Although he was asking about Gitta all night. Of course, I haven't told her that he's been talking about her. I'm so damn jealous! I'm drunk and/or stoned. Yop and his Dutch girls came over. Yop and I got stoned. Elke, Dirk and I had been talking about life/fate/etc. before. It was nice. This terrace has seen many an intellectual discussion! It just hasn't seen a romantic encounter between me and a cute Dutch guy. Yet! We went to Mesalina to dance. It was fun. House music. I'm too drunk to sleep now. I only had one beer out -- and a half-bottle of red wine here before. Shit. I can't believe it's almost 5:00 and I haven't had that much fun tonight. I did dance with Yop quite a bit. I enjoyed it. Did he? ¡Vale!

Saturday, April 18, 1992

6:30 pm

Believe it or not, I had to get out of the sun today. It's the first time I've felt I had too much sun. So now I'm on my terrace. I've been feeling a little lonely today. Didn't try to talk to anyone at the beach. Don't know why not. I hate when I lose the security of "the girls." They weren't there. Then I walked to El Palo to find them or Yop, but didn't find anyone. Last night I spent most of the time with Yop, Sanna and Ingra. Ran into Katerina Pois at Salsa. When we were at Havana, I was bored and told Yop that I was going to another dance bar nearby. He said, "I go with you." Then I told him it was a gay bar and he said, "I stay here." When I came back -- it was closed, dammit -- Sanna asked why I wanted to go to a gay bar. More coming out. We danced a lot. Especially Yop and I. After the girls left, I thought maybe we could walk home together, but the British/Indian traveler guy and his Finnish friend wanted to go with us, so we got a taxi. But Yop said he wanted to get high with me tonight before we go out. Too cool. I'd rather get high late when we'll be dancing more, but it'll have to do. Of course, I'm thinking maybe we'll just stay here and get romantic. But Elke and Dirk will probably be here and we're supposed to meet people at 11:30 at Bolivia. Vamos a ver. He did ask me this after he found out about the gay bar. He may be interested. I hope I'm not disappointed if things don't work out between us. Hell, Mike! Whine! I just want things to be perfect all the time! We're still talking about living together, too. I think I'd like that. Need to talk to my landlady Vittorina about the availability of this place. Spending too much money going out.

Friday, April 17, 1992

4:00 pm

Ay! Semana Santa! I went out with the new Alhambra gang last night. Met some nice girls. Yes, all girls once again. But we did have fun. Danced at several discos. Drank a lot. I persuaded everyone to go to Havana at 5:00. I was hoping to see Yop there, but he wasn't there. Why am I becoming obsessed with him? I guess I need a constant obsession. And Bob is just too far away. So I may have a job! I talked with this guy from the ad I responded to last week. He's starting a video production company and needs someone who has video experience. Perfect. I'll meet with him and his partners on Tuesday. It looks really good! But, of course, I'm cautious until I know more. Joaquin was out with us last night and when he introduced himself to my friends, he said that I work with him! How strange. Yes, Mike, something will work out! I talked to Jane. We'll meet in Sevilla next Wednesday. Cool. I'm still planning to go to Detroit in two weeks. Cool 2. Sitting in the sun on the terrace today. The beach is too windy. I don't know if I'll stay out late again tonight.

Wednesday, April 15, 1992

12:10 am

Yea, I'm stoned. Been a while. Yop and I talked last night about smoking weed. I'll have to invite him over here Friday night to get stoned before we go out. Or after we go out. Then we'd be alone for the rest of the night. Up on the terrace smoking, getting romantic. Sounds good to me. I don't want Barbara and Gitta to be there, though. Barbara and I talked about drugs today, too. She's in favor of legalizing all drugs. She really surprises me sometimes. She's a really neat person. We'll have to get high some time, too. I'm listening to a jazz program on the radio. I love it. All music is great when you're stoned. I miss Neil right now. He'd love to get high with me up on my terrace overlooking the Mediterranean. Why didn't it work out between Neil and me? Gosh, Mike, it's been 1 1/2 years. That was a fantastic summer with Neil. Actually, it was this past summer when we got stoned on my back deck. We never did get stoned when we were dating. Why not? Oh, I'm seeing a great vision. Bob getting the job in Oakland. Me moving there with him. Neil being a neighbor. We'd have a great deck up on a hill -- a nice view of the ocean. We could get stoned there. I miss Neil! ¡Ojalá! Maybe the dream will come true. I want all my friends to be together forever. Not just Neil and Bob, but my friends from school, Affirmations, from here in Spain. I want them all to stay with me forever. What, am I feeling lonely here? Not really. I'm just enjoying the stream of consciousness. In many ways getting stoned alone is much better than with others. You can record things. You can be so into things. I'm enjoying this jazz, but I'm thinking I should listen to a station with Spanish songs. I think I could learn more words now if I listened. I'd be so in tune. You know, I don't seem to have the same concentration -- no, it's not that, it's "filtration" -- problem with my hearing when I'm high. Another medical use for pot. But really, folks, I have a serious hearing problem in bars. I can never hear the person talking to me. My ears are so distracted. Not just once in a while, when the music is really loud. All the time. Even when someone's close to me and there's a TV on nearby. It happened when talking with María José at Pepe's or at Havana talking to Estefan and Katherine. I wonder if something can be done to help it. Damn. I don't have any insurance anymore. I really am understanding this person speaking Spanish on the radio even though I'm not really concentrating on it. I love the way Andre and Yop show something's really good by kissing the tips of their fingers. They both do it all the time. It's a Dutch thing, I guess. Although it seems French, too. Different customs. Thumbs up. OK sign. I do the OK sign when I signify something really good. How about that? I wonder if Andre or Yop have noticed that and are writing it in their journal. Yea. I love being stoned. But it's still never care-free. I'm thinking I should call Jane before I go to bed. But I have no desire to get dressed and go out to the phone box and call. For one thing, I'm too stoned now, and it's still early -- only 6:30 pm -- there. But I'll be so tired later. I'll just want to go to bed. I was out rather late/early last night. But I need to talk to her! Let's not worry 'bout it right now, 'k? I just re-read the letter from Antonio in Barcelona. I can't believe I haven't written him since I've been here. I'd do it now, but I'm enjoying writing this. But I'm stopping for now.

1:30 am

I'm back. I tried calling Jane, but she wasn't home. Told her to call me tomorrow. I'm not really tired, but I should go to bed. I was going to go to the airport tomorrow and book a flight for the 30th, but maybe I should wait until Monday. See if I hear from this job prospect. I don't know where I'll be living when I come back. The rents are supposed to go to $1000/month in June. I may need to find a place in the center. Inconvenient for work and the beach, but cheaper. I could ride my bike into Pedregalejo. Not so bad. I get all these fantastic images in my head of how my life might be in the future. That's fun. Actually, the life I lead now is a former dream of the future, isn't it? And the dream came true! On the terrace overlooking the sea. I'm going to miss this place! I should take pictures tomorrow. "I go home. Gonna eat somefing." -- Andre.

Tuesday, April 14, 1992

4:00 pm

The past two days have been rather relaxing. Just sitting in the sun on my terrace. Not doing a thing, really. Yesterday, I talked to Bob. I miss him more every time I talk to him. We're trying to finalize his plans for visiting. I'm now 99% sure that I'm going to Detroit in 2 weeks! It'll be nice. Joaquin told me we can start in June, but only part-time. We'll see if it's worth it. Of course, I could teach English on the side, too. Or pursue my video free-lance ideas. What, me worry? Last night I decided to go to the centro alone to see the Semana Santa processions. I ran into Yop, Katherine and others from Miramar. We wandered around for a while, then went to a few bars. Several, actually. A few discos, too. Then to Salsa and finally Havana. I had been ready to go home at 2:00, but we didn't. Katherine knew the bartender, Estefan, at Havana, so he gave us free drinks! Then it started to pick up, so we danced and danced -- until 7:00. Then we went out for chocolate y churros. It was really quite fun! I stopped by Gitta and Barbara's as they were leaving for school at 8:30 am. I love when I have unexpected adventures like that! I met several new people, too. Yea! I'm thinking of going again tonight. Coming home early, of course. Actually, I can't afford to drink every night. I do enjoy partying with Yop, though. I saw Dave and Gitta Sunday night. They're such nice people. I hope things work out for them. Hey, I managed to write this without mentioning Andre. Almost!

Sunday, April 12, 1992

1:00 pm

Yeah, yeah. I'm holding back the tears. Andre just left. Yes, it was as hard as I thought it would be. I guess I feel a bit better that he was also holding back some tears. On to a new chapter in life. He was a good addition to my life. But now I'm forced to be a little more independent and that will be good. Last night we had a bunch of people over here. Then we went to Bolivia. Others went to the centro while this new girl, Jeanette, who lived in Birmingham, Michigan for a year, and I went to see a blues band and then went dancing here in Pedregalejo. Then we ran into Yop at Donde. We thought of going to Havana, but couldn't find a taxi. So he and I came back here and talked on the terrace. It was a beautiful night. Very romantic. Ay! There I go again! He wants to move in here in May. Yes, I know he's not gay, but again (as with Andre) I think there may be potential. Funny how doors close and others open. All right, that's it for my moping and feeling sorry for myself. I'm really happy for Andre. Just a little sad for myself.

Saturday, April 11, 1992

5:50 am

Well, we've been keeping late nights, haven't we? Tonight we went to the usual Bolivia and Salsa, but I drank a lot, so it was more fun! Barbara and I went to Duna -- a dance bar near home -- later. We danced a little. I danced a lot. Even after she left, I danced some more by myself. Fun, fun. I did drink a lot. And spent a lot. I wish that Joop (pronounced "Yop", as in Horton Hears a Who) had stayed with us. He's a pretty sexy guy. Another cute Dutch guy. Anyway, he's pretty nice. We ran into Bek -- the Danish guy now working at Expo. All in all, it was fun. But, of course, I didn't meet any new men! I did play tennis with Frank. He's not very good, but it was good to get out and exercise. He's a nice guy. He introduced me to his cute friend, Eric, who's an English teacher at his French school. Potential! I got a fax from Bob today. I miss him so! I tried to call Jane, Jenny, Alyssa, Jill and John tonight. Nobody was home! Nothing else new!

Friday, April 10, 1992

12:05 am

Hello! I've had a nice day. Beautiful weather. Spent the day on the beach. Then Barbara, Gitta, Andre and I went to La Paloma for dinner. Andre got a job in Tenerife. He's leaving on Sunday. I'm glad he doesn't have to go back to Holland, but of course, I wish he could stay on the Costa. Elke, a German girl, and her friend who's visiting, will move in for a week next weekend. That's cool. I went to my first gay bar (in Málaga) Wednesday night. It was okay until the drag show. It lasted an hour -- much too long. I didn't talk to a single person, nor did I dance. I hated that. I should've forced myself to talk to someone. But I didn't. On the way home, (I walked along the beach -- it was a beautiful night) I got "picked up" by this guy driving by. At first I said no. I thought he was saying something about chicken -- pollo. Later I found out that polla means cock! Anyway, we had cheap sex in the car. What the hell. Not what I had expected with the evening! I came out to the group today when I told them I went to a gay bar last night. Not much of a reaction, really. But I feel so good that I told then the truth. Especially Andre. Maybe I'll go again this weekend. Or to Torremolinos. Jane's coming in 2 weeks. Yea! I'm playing tennis with my neighbor, Frank, tomorrow. Got tons of mail yesterday. Barb Browne sent me Girls Scout cookies and the Free Press and Steve and Bettie sent my junk mail. Talked to Rebecca last night. Her brother-in-law, Paul, died last week. I'm keeping in good spirits lately. Positive attitude!

Wednesday, April 8, 1992

4:50 am

Oh, I just !hate! when I feel like this! I know it's irrational. But I'm so emotional. I get so attached. I live in such a fantasy world. As I was leaving Bolivia tonight I saw Andre making out with a girl. God, I was crushed! Stupid, I know. But that's just the way I am. I suppose it's for the best. I do feel better about him leaving now! Shit! Everything hits me so hard. I tried to call Becky and Bob, but neither was home. I really needed to talk to Bob. To boost my self-esteem, maybe. I need to be in love! Shit! Anyway, on the way back from the phone box, I passed by Deirdre's house and she invited me in. We ended up talking for over an hour. It was very nice. Again, something positive immediately after something negative. Yes, someone is watching over me. Nonetheless, I'm depressed now. I have to tell myself again! You have to do it yourself, Mike! You're on your own! Andre won't be there. Do it! And don't worry so much! Dammit. You're in Spain! You've got friends who love you. You've got money to make it for a while. You're okay!

Tuesday, April 7, 1992

6:00 pm

Well, I went to Gibraltar to buy a video camera, but didn't find one. They really didn't have what I wanted. Not that I'm sure of what I want. I'm now thinking of just waiting until I go home in May. Yeah, I'm still thinking of that. Shit, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Joaquin talked to me for an hour about his ideas. Again, very promising. Again, nothing definite. Same old. I need to ask him about a work permit. Then it would make all the sense in the world to go back in May. And it would give me at least a little bit of job security, ¿no? I'd better hang onto my money until I have a better plan. Andre still doesn't have plans, either. He's calling Menorca tomorrow. If he has a job there, he leaves immediately. If not, he'll probably go to Holland on Saturday. Shit. I'm applying for a job I saw advertised. A Spanish company needs video producers. María José helped me with the cover letter. I'll type it tomorrow. Becky left a message at school that her brother-in-law, Paul, died. I'll call her tonight. It's been a warm sunny (but windy) afternoon. What else? No sé. Andre, Gitta and I had dinner last night. With two bottles of wine. I enjoy doing that rather than going out. We just talked and talked -- about nothing much.

Sunday, April 5, 1992

2:00 pm

Yea! The sun is shining again (on and off). It's been a long time. It's still pretty cool, though. Had a good time last night, but not great. Andre and I had dinner at Katherine and Claudia's -- two girls from our Salsa class. Met two new guys there, too. One is Dutch and has a personality very similar to Andre's. Very outgoing (and cute -- personality?) The other, Norbert, is much quieter. I hope to talk to him some more. His English isn't that great and his Spanish much worse. But it is nice to meet new people. Actually, I had seen Norbert at Bolivia and downtown before. Then we went to Bolivia -- boring -- and then to Donde -- a little better because we could dance, but I was still pretty bored. Only stayed out until 4:00.

Saturday, April 4, 1992

1:30 pm

Another nice change last night. We first met at Barbara and Gitta's new place -- close to here. Yea! Then we went downtown to Casa del Conde and Salsa. Nothing new yet, I know. But we had a drink at a new place, then after we went back to Salsa, there was tear gas or mace released and everyone had to leave. Well, Barbara, Katerina and I decided to go back in afterwards while the others left. They both met men. But it was nice to dance, since it was less crowded. Then we went to Havana at about 4:00. Didn't leave until 7:00. I loved the music. I danced by myself most of the time, because Barbara was outside talking and Katerina met another guy. But I really enjoyed it. It was nice to just dance like crazy. Andre was there with a Spanish girl he met. Everyone had met someone except me! I really need to go to a gay bar soon. Just to meet some guys. To build up my self-esteem! It's not fair that everyone else meets people. I want some action, too. Yesterday was my last day of class. It will be so different next week. Shit. Can't stand to think of it. It really upsets me that only Bob, Alyssa, Marisa and Suzanne have written me. C'mon friends! I've been thinking more about going home in May for a couple weeks. Maybe I could find work easier in June. Of course, I haven't even looked yet. But I really did want to go home sometime before July anyway. Who knows? Paul tells me that the house is sold, so the money should be there soon. Finally sold my car, too. Lost about $1000 as expected. I could use something to just cheer me up. The weather has been horrible lately. Said good-bye to more people yesterday. Depression time! But Andre and I are having dinner with 2 girls from Salsa class. They invited us over. Another new thing.

Friday, April 3, 1992

1:30 am

Well, it's here. The last day of classes. I haven't really studied for the exam. It doesn't really matter to me. Pase lo que pase. I talked with Abdel at Malaca today. He wasn't terribly promising about video potential there. He said the director has to pay Joaquin millions of pesetas from their divorce settlement. Interesting. I talked with a British man, Julian, about teaching English. He gave me a lot of good advice. I'm going to Gibraltar with him on Tuesday to look at video cameras. Gotta keep those options open. We had dinner at the girls' tonight. I can't believe Andre will be gone soon. But I am looking ahead to the future. I played around some more with Alhambra's mixer today. Maybe I can borrow it for my freelance business. I've been thinking that it would be better to live in Fuengirola or Marbella if I pursue video with tourists or expatriates. I enjoyed last night (Wed.) We went to see "Bugsy" (in Spanish) and then had tapas and drinks. A nice change.