I'm sick of work already. Probably because a) it's lost its novelty, and b) I don't have much to do right now. Plus, I've got other things to do, like clean my new house and buy things for it. It's really not so bad. Everything fits fine. The terrace is rather big. Annelies will lend me her patio furniture. I love having my music! I can't stand the shower. Pluses, minuses. I had dinner with Annelies last night and afterwards, the gay neighbors were dancing in their living room, so we joined them. How fun! Then I stayed and talked a while. Yay! New friends! Gay friends! I did really well with my Spanish, I think. So much to look forward to here! I need to call people with my new address. I want to talk to Bob! I still haven't been paid yet. They owe me $1400. We haven't talked about my new salary yet. I'm still spending too much money -- $15 for lunch yesterday. I'll think I'll go home for lunch from now on. Only a 10 minute bike ride along the beach! I have to really be careful with my bike. Everybody's really eyeing it! Oh, I ran into Mitchell's cute brother-in-law yesterday. Juan Miguel? He's so nice. Told me he's off to Pamplona for the running of the bulls. I also ran into the bride and groom from Saturday. I'm so bad at names these days. Nice, too. Okay, Danny and Kiko are the guys below me. I met Pinky, Gerald and James on Saturday at Galerna. I work with Herbert. Rafael is Kiko and Danny's friend.