Wednesday, April 29, 1992

4:00 pm

Yea! It's cloudy today! I've really gotten sick of the sun. Perhaps literally. That may be why I was sick on Monday. Too much sun. Yesterday, Alton, Barbara and I rented a paddleboat and went out on the Mediterranean. It was a wonderful change of pace. Very relaxing. I can't wait to go out there with Bob. How romantic! Last night, we had a little party for Elke's last night. Then we went to Bolivia and Donde. I actually had a good time. Talked a lot with Antonella, Jeanette (#2), Alton, Sune and Annelies. She invited me to go to a flamenco bar with her, but I didn't go. Eventually, I will have to do things with Spanish people! But last night I was having a good time there. For a change. I think Alton and I can be good friends. If he didn't talk about girls all the time. Their cute roommate, Cameron, is leaving soon. I think I missed the boat not getting to know him better. Today, I've been cleaning and enjoying the sounds of Spain. The fish seller in the morning. The little Swedish kids were imitating him yelling at the tops of their lungs. Their father playing music on his guitar. I had plans to write lots of letters today, but I haven't. Lazy, lazy. I think I'll ask around if anyone wants to go to a movie tonight.