I have to write! It's been just over 24 hours since I left Detroit and already my life has changed so much! I met this guy, Dave, on the flight to Málaga. I was supposed to sit by this fat woman, but Dave agreed to change seats so she could sit by her husband. I found out he was a tour manager. He knows Ozzy Osborne, Duran Duran, Wham, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, Dave Edmunds, Jeff Beck, Adam Ant, Level 42 and Frank Zappa! He was coming back from seeing frank in California after an aborted tour with Ymengme Malmsteen. Anyway, we were talking on the plane about my decision to move to Málaga. He was very supportive. Said he knew I would do well, etc. It was so nice to hear that. He said he truly believed in fate and that he was meant to sit by me to encourage me! Maude! I told him about Maude and the movie "Harold and Maude." He said the only other time he switched seats on a plane was to save a guy's life. The drummer on the Wham tour in China was possessed and stabbed himself on the plane to Beijing, but Dave pulled the knife out! Anyway, he asked if I was staying in Málaga and I said I think so. He talked about how smarmy it can be and was thinking (I think) about having me stay in Torreblanca with him and his Norwegian girlfriend, Gitta. But he didn't -- yet. Near landing he told me to take a good look out the window because I was embarking on a great adventure in my life. Hell yes, I was! I asked him for his address so we could keep in touch and he said he could find me a place in Torreblanca for $60 a week! I, of course, accepted! Gitta, Dave, their dog, Minka and I drove back down the Costa del Sol highway and stopped at a German pub in Fuengirola. Had a couple of drinks and went back to their place. While Gitta prepared "dinner" -- open-faced sandwiches -- Dave and I went to get some champagne from their bar. Did I mention they own a bar?!? It's a tiny place overlooking the Mediterranean. I was so stunned. It was incredible. Just perfect! So we had a beer and talked. He showed me his Frank Zappa and Level 42 pictures. Gitta eventually had to came up to get us. We went back to their apartment and had some food and wine. It was so nice! I still can't believe it all happened! Then they took me up to their friend's place (he's in Saudi Arabia.) This place is paradise! Oh, I forgot. Dave's a healer. He's into crystals and stuff. We talked about that for a while, too. I hope the future stacks up to the present!
8:00 pm
I wandered about town a bit today. Bought some groceries. Found the train station -- only $35.00 for a monthly train pass including Málaga and back. I could really stay here instead of living in Málaga for the 4 week class. We'll see. I called Bettie and Matt. I told Matt all about Dave and Gitta. I'm about to go down to a party at their place. How cool! Fate has control of my life. I'm just going along for the ride. And enjoying it!