Thursday, February 6, 1992

10:00 am

I had some rather strange dreams last night. in one, I was getting ready to move to Spain. I was at my dad's house trying to get everything sorted out. I had forgotten about this or that. I was panicking. Similar to real life, actually! But then I had to run to school -- I think it was Bishop Foley -- to finish some things. I was directing a play and our rehearsal area wasn't available. I was leaving that day, but the play wasn't until the weekend. I gave all the kids hugs. Then I was backstage at another play. I think I had just returned from Spain. Donna, Maureen Zack, Sari Shapiro and Janet Savoy were there. I still didn't know who had gone on to second interviews fro my job, but there wasn't time to ask. Everything was so rushed! All three dreams were very hectic. Last night was Gitta's birthday party. It was fun. There was a Spanish couple, Paco and Loli, and their little girl, Veronica who was singing and dancing flamenco all night. Gitta told Loli that I spoke Spanish, so my skills were tried. I don't think I did very well. But she was very nice. When introduced, she came over, shook my hand and offered her cheek for me to kiss. I didn't quite expect that, and said, "Gracias" or something! But now I know the custom for the future! There was a retired British couple there, too. Barbara and Wally. Everyone's so nice. I met a neighbor yesterday while we were on our terraces. I'd love to stay here. Even though there aren't people my age! I'll have to meet some of the Spanish guys who play basketball on the Paseo. Or those who play tennis near here. Oh, another dream I had involved my friends here. They somehow had gotten ahold of my letters and translated then into Spanish for me. How strange.