How did I manage to get another cold? Especially since it's been so warm and sunny? Actually, it could be allergies. It is that time of year. Shit. I hate being sick. Actually, the weather's changed. It's cold tonight and I think it will rain tomorrow. Still haven't called Bob. I used almost an entire $20 phone card last night calling my brother Paul. We should close on my dad's house soon. I got a second letter from Bob today. God, I've been thinking about him so much. I can't wait 2 months to see him! Yesterday I talked with Lorenzo and Joaquin about video possibilities. I played with the Panasonic WJ-AVE-5 mixer. It's a cool piece of equipment. But we didn't talk about money or a contract or a work schedule or anything. I think he's just trying to get as much out of me as he can. I need to bring it up with him. I was going to this afternoon, but he was gone. I talked with Deirdre, who had a contract with him to teach English, but he didn't pay. She confirmed that he can't be trusted, but encouraged me to pursue it as long as I don't invest too much into it. I still haven't gone back to Malaca Instituto. Shit. I'm such an ass sometimes. Do it! ¡Hazlo! I'll be glad when Tim leaves on Saturday. He and Daniel and Nicole have really been getting on my nerves. Making messes in the kitchen and not cleaning until mold is growing a week later. But that means everyone else (almost) is leaving, too. Andre! I really need to get to know this French guy, Frank, who lives across the street. He could be a good pal. He plays tennis! He's single! Vamos a ver.
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