8:00 pm
I enjoyed the first day of class! It will definitely be a pain in the ass to get on the 7:10 train every morning. Classes start at 8:30 -- and today I was twenty minutes late. An 1:40 commute! I should be able to make it by 8:30, if I hurry from the train to the bus -- a 10 minute walk at least. Anyway, we took un paseo around the neighborhood. Stopped at a bodega for some wine-tasting -- at 9:30 am! Then we stopped at a cafe for desayuno. Great start to the day. Got a chance to talk to some classmates, too. Several are German, 2 are Dutch, one Swiss and one Danish. I'm going to miss out on a lot being here in Torreblanca. They seem like a partying group. I'll have to stay in Málaga a few days. I hope they can come out here one day, too. There's one really cute outgoing guy named Andreas. He's an entertainer. He's been performing at various resorts in Spain. Too cute, but seems to be straight. Harold seems very nice, too. Potential there. I'll see how the week goes before I make any decisions on if I should stay here or move into student housing in Málaga. They have 5 guys in one place. That'd be a drag. I like my privacy. I'm bummed that I won't have my morning sun on my terrace. I like both instructors. It'll be a great experience, I'm sure. I really wish I could pick up the phone and call my friends! I miss sharing things with them! // I'm still spending too much money. I finally bought some meat today! Things can be so intimidating. I have to remember that I rule! I can do anything! Have confidence!
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